Temple Island Lodge 8031

“A Lodge where memories are made”

Temple Island Lodge is the largest Freemason’s lodge in Henley and was formed on October 6th 1965.

It is a vibrant and fun lodge, with one of the youngest age profiles of any lodge in the Country. It is known for its strong meetings, varied and many social gatherings, great food and company. Every meeting the lodge celebrates the cuisine of a different country, and welcomes visitors and joining members alike.

Facts at your finger tips

Regular meetings per year6
Meeting night First Wednesday
except for last in Sept
Months of meetingsSeptember (i), November, December
February, April and May
Usual time of meeting6pm
Date of Consecration6th October 1965
RitualRitus Oxoniensis
Lodge specialismGeneral lodge
(with leaning towards fine dining)

To find out more visit the Temple Island Freemasons Lodge website here